In an effort to make our clients feel safe and comfortable, we are offering full transparency as to our internal protocol at Apple Core Therapy. This protocol has recently been reevaluated and all therapists retrained. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you very soon.

Apple Core Therapy Internal Protocol for COVID-19 (revised 11/20/20)

To Our Therapists: text your clients to remind them to bring their masks, text you when they arrive, and to wait for your text that you are meeting them at the door with hand sanitizer that they please use.

  1. Please use large back office with attached bathroom, unless it is already being occupied.

  2. Client will text you, but if they do not at the time of their appointment, please reach out to them.

  3. Check hallway for other clients or therapists before escorting your client in or out of the building.

  4. Meet the client with hand sanitizer: you will be disinfecting common surfaces, but this will be added insurance.

  5. Have clients leave their shoes at the door

  6. Client and therapists must wear masks the entire time that they are in the office.

  7. After your intake, ask the client if they would like to use the restroom, if not, and you are working in the back office with the attached bathroom, please wait for the client to get comfortable in that bathroom and not the kitchen area. Stay out of common areas as much as possible.

  8. Think about cross contamination. Keep hand sanitizer close, and use it, before touching your face or mask. Not touching is ideal, but not always realistic.

  9. After session: offer your client hand sanitizer again, text other therapists that you are escorting your client out of the building, if there is no response, or you have not received a text from them, check hallway and proceed.

  10. I will ask other therapists to text before client enters and when they are about to be escorted out as well.

Cleaning Protocol

  1. Wipe common areas like doorknobs, stair bannister, and where clients shoes were left.

  2. Use disinfectant spray on sheets and face cradle linens, etc. place ALL LINENS in the non porous white cleaning bins.

  3. Spray heating pad, bolster and face cradle

  4. Replace linens on table, including a clean face cradle cushion: we are not currently using blankets, until further notice. Use heating pad, space heater, and offer to your client that they bring their own blanket...

  5. Disinfect hand sanitizer, stool, lotion dispenser, seating and clothing area where client was during intake, and your clothing where it may have touched the client or table.

  6. Clean door knobs of office, and bathroom

  7. Clean toilet seat, flushing handle, entire sink and counter, and soap dispenser.

  8. Don’t forget to wipe down your phone, and the device used for payment.

It may not hurt to turn the bathroom fan on to improve air circulation. And open a window, if you think that makes sense, the thermostat for AC/heat is in the hallway, but our doors will be closed at all times and not affect the temperature setting.

If a client shows up without a mask, we have a few to offer, please place the mask in the cleaning bins after use.

Right now, we are spacing clients out 30 minutes until we get comfortable with the protocol.

Here are a few links from the CDC for reference: